Sunday, 25 May 2014

Your Suggestions On Our World Map

  • Fantastic. Please keep your suggestions of what you would like in the Montessori approach coming.

  • Each country may have more than one suggestion so if you are from any of the countries on the map, please send yours as well.

  •  Not only what exists in Montessori but what you would add. We are in an age 100 years after Montessori began. We must also build on that work together.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Montessori Centre Wales

Had a great meeting today with the heads of two Montessori establishments in Wales. It coincided with a visit to Redhill Preparatory School to present two members of staff with their teacher's certificates. Congratulations to Laura and Emily picture here receiving their certificates from one of the children.

Visit to Redhill

Join The Community

Our network can be translated into any language to view. Please join us at 

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

New Book Takes Shape

Another evening of writing the new book. I am reading through Dottoressa Montessori's works and processing the key components while translating them for a modern audience. It is a joy to rediscover this wonderful pedagogy and philosophy. I am looking for a publisher. 

Partner Schools

Some of the schools we are working with in Wales and in London. We would highly recommend these Montessori settings. Many of the staff have also been trained at Montessori Centre Wales.

Toadhall Montessori Nursery & Creche

Holland Park School House

Redhill Preparatory School & Montessori Nursery

Free Materials

Join and claim this free gift. 


These are our courses running in 2014. If you would like to book a place on any of the courses please contact us on 01269 269459

This popular course leading to a teaching certificate covers each area of the Foundation Phase through the use of the World famous Montessori learning materials and pedagogical theory. Places are limited so booking is essential. Book on

Next Course
Cardiff - June 13th & 14th Booking Now 
Llanelli - Monday 23rd June to Friday 27th June
Llanelli - Monday 21st July to Friday 25th July
Llanelli - Monday 18th August to Friday 22nd August
Llanelli -  15th September to Friday 19th September
Llanelli - Monday 13th October to Friday 17th October 
Llanelli - Monday 17th November to Friday 21st November 





Claim your free gift of Montessori grammar materials when you become a member of Montessori Centre Wales. 


Join the Montessori community around the world and take advantage of free resources as a member of our network 


I have started work on my new book 'Create Your Own Montessori Classroom. The book will provide valuable information on how you can create your own Montessori classroom anywhere using free and found materials. It is a template for everything you need to create a classroom at home or within a space in your nursery, school, college, hospital or wherever you would like it to be. To follow progress visit 

Montessori Learning Materials